
Madara Uchiha

Fictional character from Naruto Series

Madara Uchiha is a manga and anime character in the Naruto series created by Masashi Kishimoto. He appears for the first time in "Part II" of the manga and the Shippuden anime adaptation, and serves as the supreme antagonist of the series. He, along with its first Hokage Hashirama Senju, is one of the co-founders of Konohagakure village from the ninja world. Their power conflict over how to run the village, as well as the long-time feud between clans, leads to Madara deciding that humanity is beyond saving, and seeks to cast a genjutsu on the entire planet that will eventually annihilate humanity and turn them into numerous variants of White Zetsu, with him the sole survivor. This leads to his defection and apparent death in a battle with Hashirama; however, it is revealed later that Madara secretly survived well into elderhood, and manipulates main antagonist Obito Uchiha into laying the key for his future plans before his true death. During most of the series, Madara serves simply as a posthumous background figure while Obito uses Madara's name to create aura around himself. This changes when Kabuto Yakushi reanimates the real Madara, who eventually defies Obito and becomes the primary threat for the remainder of the series.

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