

Manga series by Masato Hisa and its anime adaptation

Nobunagun is a manga series written and illustrated by Masato Hisa. Serialized in Earth Star Entertainment's magazine Comic Earth Star from May 2011 to August 2015, it has been compiled into six tankōbon volumes. The series follows a high schoolgirl named Sio Ogura, who awakens as one of the E-Gene Holders, a reincarnation of Nobunaga Oda. She joins the Defense Organization aGainst Outer Objects (DOGOO), which specializes in eradicating an alien species known as Evolutionary Invaders (EIs). An anime television series adaptation by studio Bridge was broadcast from January 5, 2014 to March 30, 2014 in Japan. Crunchyroll and Funimation streamed the episodes with English subtitles.

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